Surfing the Web I came across this scene from the movie "No Pain, No Gain" (2005) on the Website "Worldwide Bodybuilders" ( While the movie got poor reviews, it features Dennis Newman (Jake Steel) and Gus Malliarodakis (Mike Zorillo). Click on the YouTube logo to watch it in HQ. It's got some nice posing by Dennis, whom I didn't recognize, and Gus. If you're interested in the movie visit it's Web page at
Here's a video of Seth and others in the 2009 NPC Northern Kentucky where he was the Heavyweight winner. Note: to view in HD click on the YouTube logo.
From Ron Harris' article in Muscular Development about Seth:
"...when Steve Blechman called me up shortly after the NPC Pittsburgh show this past May to ask what I thought about the winner, Seth Feroce, I had no idea who he was talking about. Once I jumped online and checked out MD's coverage of the show, I was genuinely impressed and mystified. How had I never heard of this new freak, shredded down to the bone at 5'6", 198 with no weak body parts, thick from top to bottom and front to back?"