Tuesday, June 30, 2009


My hard drive has crashed.
It will take a few days to get a new one and get it up and running.
I hope (fingers crossed) to be fully functioning by the weekend.
Please continue to comment on posts.
Wouldn't you know, I just sold my laptop (which I hardly used over the past year) and got a pretty good price for it. The next day my desktop crashes. A half step forward, a full step back, I guess.
Anyway, I'll continue to monitor the site and maybe post some pics and vids from the WWW.


  1. Sorry to hear about the technical difficulties, that's a real bummer. In any event, I'm looking forward to your return.

    Also, take it as a cautionary tale. You should always have a backup solution. If you're on a Mac, Time Machine makes this dead simple.

  2. Ouch! What a pain. I hope you're able to get up and running again with minimal difficulty. I love your blog and look forward to more of your excellent scans in the future.

  3. A reasonable price we have to pay for all the hotness you brought to us. I'm patiently waiting for your comeback.

  4. This is really bad luck, man! Looking forward for you to be back online soon - keep up the good work and the excellent pic quality. It is inspiring and it is what is keeping me going to the gym.

  5. My days will be darker til you're up and running......love this blog. You have the best "eye". Frank

  6. Aw crap, I'm really sorry to hear that. I remember my laptop hard drive crashed about a year ago, just as I'd moved overseas. Fortunately, the data was recoverable, but I sure white-knuckled it for a couple of days. Good luck.

  7. Dismal news. My entire main drive decayed recently and I had to stage an emergency intervention with tech support and a Catholic exorcist to avert disaster. Good luck.

  8. i have never had a crash, but i have had to reformat my hard drive quite a few times. i have lost tons of stuff from each format till i started using external hard drives for storage. i`m gald to see you recovered from your crash now, and your blog is still growing strong.
