Friday, March 19, 2010

Stan Efferding Part 2

The last in this set of Stan "The Rhino" Efferding.
Some commenters have complained about the lack of color images. This is mostly due to the fact that Muscular Development magazine has switched to mostly monochrome photos (to save printing costs?). I've got some color images coming up so be patient.


  1. Unless I'm dreadfully mistaken, the B/W images are likely an artistic/stylistic decision - because they are printed in full CMYK colour in the magazines (so they wouldn't save a cent on printing). There's probably a good chance the original photos are actually colour shots that have had their colour data stripped later on.

  2. I dare to disagree. Ok, maybe they're saving because of the printing costs, but I actually like this kind of artistic approach to bodybuilding. Especially shots that capture tense muscles, jumping veins and face expressions, showing hard work and sweat from a different angle. It's very creative and makes photos more interesting to look at. But that's just me.

  3. Are camo shorts the new fad in bodybuilding?

  4. I love the black and white pics. It helps emphasize the muscularity and detail.

  5. when a guy looks THIS good, it doesn't matter whether we get color or not. this guy is hardcore HOT, and the b&w looks good, as do the camo shorts.


  6. if only all daddies looked like this. c'mon, he's got to be gay surely??
