Thursday, May 29, 2008

Concerning Mark Dugdale and Other Bodybuilders

I really appreciate viewer comments because it gives me feedback and let's me know someone cares enough to leave a message. But I do not appreciate rude comments. Criticize a person over his height? How about eye color? Mark Dugdale is a man who has dedicated himself to a lifetime of bodybuilding and all that that implies. This requires discipline and determination. And he has produced results.

The only fair criticisms concern choice. Comment about someone's hair style or a piercing or a tattoo, not about something over which one has no control. Mark and others like him have taken what they've been given and made of it the best they can. This is not easy and they deserve credit for what they've done.

There, I'm done. Let's go back to enjoying our fantasies. And be nice to one another.


Anonymous said...

but what comments have been made about Mark? He's one of my absolute favorites. And Karouani Fehd, also.

Anonymous said...

I would think the negative comment was removed. What some people need to keep in mind is this...In most cases a Model or Photographer will ask to have their picture/pictures removed if they are being talked about in a negative manner. Golden rule is..if you don't have something nice to say, get your fingers away from the

bodybuilding coupons said...

Absolutely no negative comments should be made about that trait of a person over which he/she has no control.

Anonymous said...

je suis nouveau ici j'aime vous lire ;)
je voulais vous remercier pour votre super site internet !
Bonne continuation
Nicolaseo, Rien de mieux que le referencement naturel.