"Do I miss being huge and powerful? You bet I do, on many levels."

Mike Matarazzo from Boston, Massachusetts suffered his first heart attack at 38. In Muscle Mag (August, 2008) Ron Harris conducts an interview with Mike covering his career in bodybuilding and his health problems, problems which Mike attributes to his steroid use. Read it, it's good. In his prime Mike packed some 250 lbs. on his 5'10" frame and had 23" arms. These pics accompanied the article. Photographer(s) unknown.
He is still damned good looking!
true - a handsome man...but a heart attack at 38! mon dieu! now there is a case of more steroids than sense...and can we get bodybuilding back from being mass monsters [who die or come close to] to some aesthetics please? this sport is killing its participants!!!
Where's you get the current pic?
Even if Matarazzo won't be posing again, it's good to know he can still smile for the camera: Triple bypass has been known to take that away from people.
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