OK, these guys are all unknown to me so any help in IDing them is welcome.Photographers:
Empyrean (#1, 3, &4)
Jeff Kutscher for EX-TREME
Sandra Lynch
People in the Comments section have informed me:
#1 is Jeffrey Olcsvary
#4 (and probably #3) is Alexander William
Thanks for your help!
(P.S.: I'd really like to know who #2 is)
Thanks to kammre for id'ing #2 as Tim Taylor
Well I don't know their names other than what you have already provided.
But I'm pretty sure that Nikos is also known as "Give me More!". And whatever his name is, the beauty in the fourth picture (is it the same guy in pics 3 & 4?)can just be called Mine.
Jeff looks encore worthy as well (none are shabby by any means though).
Thanks for the great scans. Fitness hunks are my favorite flavor.
the 4th guy is Alexander William. check out alexander-william.com
Model #4 is Alexander William, and I believe #3 is him also.
The penny just dropped for #1. It's Jeffrey Olcsvary
When you find out who number two is, could send me his phine number.
I definitely understand why ... flawless
#2 appears to be model Tim Taylor.
Thanks to all for your helpful comments. And a tip of the hat to kammre and camero for their help in id'ing some of these guys.
Model 5 is Steven Meyer from San Antonio, Texas. I Jeff Kutscher took the photos.
Thanks Jeff for identifying the model and you did a fine job on the photo.
Yes, 3 & 4 are Alexander William. They're from December's Exercise for Men Only magazine - he has a bunch more on his site www.Alexander-William.com
Sooooo hottttttt!
Oops, #1 is actually Australian Steve Jones, who bears an amazing similarity to Jeff Olcsvary. Sorry for misleading you.
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