Mark Dugdale

Unknown: can anyone ID?

Hidetada Yamagishi
Sorry about missing 2 days of posts but I either came down with a bug or the medication I've started taking has left me feeling ill and completely enervated.
Men I appreciate for who they are and what they are trying to become
Sorry you've been ill. Your site is a source of wonderful muscle inspiration.
I think your second, unknown, pic is Rodney Roller.
Unknown is Rodney Roller
Rodney Roller
I think number 2 is Rodney Roller! You posted a similar pic before and I remembered seeing it :)
oh no... hope u get well soon
health is more important than anything
Sure Osmose - keep well.
Love the Dugdale pic - awesome. Detail: the little shadow cast by that nipple is such a turn on !
Thanks everyone for your concern and good thoughts. It's just a GI bug and I'm feeling better.
Actually I'm just pleased to see someone in cyberspace actually knows the correct meaning of 'enervated' ! :-)
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